cbft command-line

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cbft: couchbase full-text server

Usage: cbft [flags]

  -b, -bindHttp ADDR:PORT
      local address:port where this node will listen and
      serve HTTP/REST API requests and the web-based
      admin UI; default is ''.
  -c, -cfg, -cfgConnect CFG_CONNECT
      connection string to a configuration provider/server
      for clustering multiple cbft nodes:
      * couchbase:http://BUCKET_USER:BUCKET_PSWD@CB_HOST:CB_PORT
           - manages a cbft cluster configuration in a couchbase
             3.x bucket; for example:
      * simple
           - intended for development usage, the 'simple'
             configuration provider manages a configuration
             for a single, unclustered cbft node in a local
             file that's stored in the dataDir;
      * metakv
           - manages a cbft cluster configuration in couchbase metakv store;
             environment variable CBAUTH_REVRPC_URL needs to be set
             for metakv; for example:
             'export CBAUTH_REVRPC_URL=http://user:password@localhost:9000/cbft';
      default is 'simple'.
  -container PATH
      optional slash separated path of logical parent containers
      for this node, for shelf/rack/row/zone awareness.
  -data, -dataDir DIR
      optional directory path where local index data and
      local config files will be stored for this node;
      default is 'data'.
  -e, -extra extra info
      extra info you want stored with this node
  -h, -H, -?, -help 
      print this usage message and exit.
  -register STATE
      optional flag to register this node in the cluster as:
      * wanted      - make node wanted in the cluster,
                      if not already, so that it will participate
                      fully in data operations;
      * wantedForce - same as wanted, but forces a cfg update;
      * known       - make node known to the cluster,
                      if not already, so it will be admin'able
                      but won't yet participate in data operations;
                      this is useful for staging several nodes into
                      the cluster before making them fully wanted;
      * knownForce  - same as known, but forces a cfg update;
      * unwanted    - make node unwanted, but still known to the cluster;
      * unknown     - make node unwanted and unknown to the cluster;
      * unchanged   - don't change the node's registration state;
      default is 'wanted'.
  -s, -server URL
      URL to datasource server; example when using couchbase 3.x as
      your datasource server: 'http://localhost:8091';
      use '.' when there is no datasource server.
  -staticDir DIR
      optional directory for web UI static content;
      default is using the static resources embedded
      in the program binary.
  -staticETag ETAG
      optional ETag for web UI static content.
  -tags TAGS
      optional comma-separated list of tags or enabled roles
      for this node, such as:
      * feed    - node can connect feeds to datasources;
      * janitor - node can run a local janitor;
      * pindex  - node can maintain local index partitions;
      * planner - node can replan cluster-wide resource allocations;
      * queryer - node can execute queries;
      default is ("") which means all roles are enabled.
  -uuid UUID
      optional uuid for this node; by default, a previous uuid file
      is read from the dataDir, or a new uuid is auto-generated
      and saved into the dataDir.
  -v, -version 
      print version string and exit.
  -weight INTEGER
      optional weight of this node, where a more capable
      node should have higher weight; default is 1.

  Getting started, using a couchbase (3.x) on localhost as the datasource:
    ./cbft -server=http://localhost:8091

  Example where cbft's configuration is kept in a couchbase "cfg-bucket":
    ./cbft -cfg=couchbase:http://cfg-bucket@CB_HOST:8091 \

See also: http://github.com/couchbaselabs/cbft

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