Diagnosing issues

cbft includes several REST API endpoints to programatically gather stats, counters and health information as JSON responses.

REST /api/diag

A key REST API endpoint, however, is /api/diag, which will gather as much diagnosis information as possible about a cbft node to be sent in a single JSON response.

For example, for a three node cluster, you could capture the /api/diag output of each node with something like:

curl http://cbft-01:8095/api/diag > cbft-01.json
curl http://cbft-02:8095/api/diag > cbft-02.json
curl http://cbft-03:8095/api/diag > cbft-03.json

The /api/diag response can be a quite large JSON object (100's of KB and often much more).

The motivation with /api/diag is to simplify working with the Couchbase community, forums, technical support and other engineers by making data capture from each cbft node easy in one shot.

TBD - explaining the different sections of the /api/diag JSON.

REST /debug/pprof

cbft supports the standard "pprof / expvars" diagnostics of golang systems, allowing users to retrieve details on goroutines, threads, heap memory usage and more.

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