Increasing performance

There are several aspects to consider on increasing the performance of your indexes.

Especially, there are often with competing tradeoffs at play, in particular:

  • indexing performance, or ingest performance - this is the speed at which the indexing system can incorporate data from a data source.

  • query performance - this is how fast the system responds to a query.

Additionally, there are also the classic, additonal tradeoffs or dimensions of speed: latency versus throughput.

Underlying it all, finally, is cost, regarding the resources that you can deploy to meet a required level of performance and the administration and maintenance of those resources.

There are several ways to address the above aspects...

Scale up

A easy to understand approach, often without changing any other application dependencies or configuration assumptions, is to increase the power of each cbft node, with additional and/or more powerful CPU's, more RAM, and faster storage (e.g., SSD's).

Scale out

A related approach, in contrast, would be to add more nodes to a cbft cluster.

These "scale out" nodes might individually be cheaper than "scale up" machines, but collectively have more power as a cluster than a cluster of powerful nodes.

Especially, with a granular level of index partitions (many index partitions), those index partitions can be distributed across many nodes to harness the collective CPU and I/O throughput of the multiple, cheaper machines. With enough networking bandwidth, this can increase indexing or ingest throughput.

But, not all is free with scale-out: more index partitions spread out across more nodes can be detrimental to query performance.

Queries are scatter/gather

cbft must distribute a query request to every index partition (scatter) and merge/coallesce the results (gather) before returning a final response back to a query client.

With a scale-out cluster of many machines (in order to get higher indexing throughput), this might reduce query performance.

Query-only cbft nodes

Advanced: cbft has the ability to run nodes that are "query only". These cbft nodes will not performance any indexing work nor directly manage or maintain any stored index data, but only respond to query requests and perform the querying scatter/gather work.

You can then use cheaper machines for these query-only nodes, as they don't need fast I/O storage capabilities, so you can more easily have many more query-only nodes deployed.

To run a cbft node in query-only mode, see the -tags command-line flag, with the queryer tag. For example...

./cbft -tags queryer [...other cbft params...]

Tighter selectivity

Consider, for example, the case where you're searching an index of a customer service issues database.

If the search term is the word "problem", the it's likely that every single index partition will have index entires for the "problem" term, leading to a lot of results that need to be retrieved and merged/collasced during a query of "problem".

In contrast, if the search term is something highly selective, like the word "IRx0003914", then perhaps only a very few index partitions with have index entries for that unique, uncommon term. Most index partitions will have empty results, which are much easy to merge/coallesce at higher performance.

An application developer can leverage this behavior with UI or other application approaches that send queries for special terms to purposefully defined indexes that support tighter selectivity.

Smaller indexes

A related approach to increase performance is to reduce index sizes

Some index types such as the bleve full-text engine include features to filter away parts of documents, such as by ignoring certain fields, not storing entire documents, and not storing contextual information such as to enable search hit highlighting.

If the application requirements allow turning off or not utilizing those advanced features, you can reduce index sizes to increase performance.

Smaller index sizes can be more completely cached in memory, which allows cbft to avoid expensive I/O storage accesses, and hence also increase performance.

Heterogeneous node capabilities

cbft also supports the ability for a cbft cluster to be comprised of a mix of different machine capabilities, where some machines may be bigger or more powerful than others.

cbft can utilize the more powerful machines by assigning those machines more index partitions than the less powerful machines.

To tell cbft that a machine is more powerful, please see the -weight command-line flag. For example...

./cbft -weight 2 [...other cbft params...]

Relaxing consistency

cbft includes the optional ability when processing a query to ensure that indexes are "caught up", where all the latest data from the data source has been incorporated into the index, before the query processing proceeeds.

This allows an application to "read your own writes" (RYOW), where query results will reflect the latest mutations done by an application thread.

However, if application requirements allow, cbft supports the ability to instead query the index even if the index is out of date. This may be useful for some cases to increase the apparent or perceived performance to the users of the overall application, at the tradeoff of sometimes receiving older or "stale" index results.

Advanced storage options


Compacting data


Testing and experiments

At the end of all these complex design tradeoffs and theories, the ultimate answers will come from real-world data and results from testing and experiments on actual hardware and datasets.

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